Guitar LICK 9 – Stella by starlight -Creative Chordal

Nora Bite

Guitar lick from Mick Goodrick and Tim Miller book … Stella by Starlight 6 notes per chord . Book “Creative chordal harmony for guitar”

jazz guitar lick 9 - nora bite - london jazz guitarist - jazz guitar lessons online - get guitar lessons jazz guitar lick 9 – nora bite – london jazz guitarist – jazz guitar lessons online – get guitar lessons. Mick goodrich and Tim Miller book.

more licks at the “daily guitar licks” section.

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How to Get guitar lessons when you are older

Either you decide to get guitar lessons online, try Skype lessons or book local guitar teacher, you will need a guitar teacher!! It is much harder t learn it on your own.

get guitar lessons online
get guitar lessons online

Have you ever wanted to play your favourite pop song?

Or maybe classical guitar melodies makes you want to pick up guitar?

Some of your friends knows how to play and it looks so easy!

My very first advice to you-

It won’t be easy!

At least if you want fast results. Well, there are no fast results. It is not enough to pick up guitar only once a week. You will need to practice every day to see results. Either you decide to get guitar lessons online, try Skype lessons or book local guitar teacher, you will need a guitar teacher!! It is much harder t learn it on your own.

It is the same for kids!

I have been teaching guitar for nearly 20 years now. I have seen people with dreams and goals. I was one of them! Yes, I achieved it! However, it took me many years and many hours each day to get where I am now.

get guitar lessons online
get guitar lessons online


1 – Schedule time each day to practice. Even if it’s just 30 minutes. It is better to play 30 minutes every day than play 2 hours every 4 days.

2 – Prepare to be patient! It will not happen in one day. You will see results, but you gonna have to work hard. Of course if you only want to learn 1 song with 3 chords in it, it is not gonna take years. However, to be able to play many songs and melodies you will need years of practice each day.

3 – Enjoy it! You will never learn how to play if you don’t enjoy learning process itself. If you don’t and it seems too difficult for you, maybe you need to pick another hobby.

4 – Try to understand what you are doing as well. Ask questions to your guitar teacher. The more you understand about music theory the faster you gonna learn. When you know how the chord is build you are able to come up with another guitar chord.

Either you want to get guitar lessons online via videos, search for local teacher or book Skype guitar lessons with someone oversees you will gonna have to put all the work yourself. Guitar teacher will not play guitar for you but only will guide you.

The best teacher is the one who teaches you how to learn.

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How fast you can learn to play guitar?

I have been asked this question million times. And I don’t have the answer! It really depends on many factors –

1 – Patience

2- What is your goal? – How you define “knowing how to play guitar”. Classical guitar grade 8? Pop song rhythm guitar? Jazz improvisation? Simple melodies? Ability to read any music?

3 – Talent

4 – Time you put in

5 – Previous musical experience. If you have played another instrument as a kid, you will find it easier to pick up and learn guitar than someone who have never played music before.

For example very talented person who have played other instruments before and is willing to practice 2 hours every day will get much faster results than someone who have never played musical instrument and is willing to practice only once a week for 30 minutes. And to learn to improvise over difficult jazz progressions will take you much longer than just to learn a rock guitar solo.

Guitar licks – Day 2 and Day 3

Nora Bite

Hi there, I will give you 2 jazz guitar licks today. One for yesterday and one for today. First one – Day 2 is just a chromatic practice lick. And the second one “Day 3 lick” is lick over 10 first bars of the tune “All the things you are”. Why 10? Because it is 5/4 over 4/4 pattern. I repeat the pattern twice over the notes that are in chords. I use arpegios, scales ( dorian, jonian, mixolydian ) and few chromatic not88m4es  that leads to the chord note. Enjoy these jazz guitar licks!

Day 2 – Chromatic practice lick

daily lick 2 chromatic ( first bit)

Day 3 – All the things you are 5/4 over 4/4 – first 10 bars – polyrhythmic lick

jazz guitar licks, guitar tutor skype jazz guitar lick over all the things you are – rhythm replacement

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